
Authenticating using an identity

The Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK also supports authentication using identities, which are considered superior from an audit and granularity of permissions perspective. Authenticating using a connection string essentially provides full access to perform operations within the data plane of your Cosmos DB Account. More information on the Azure control plane and data plane is available here.

This library also supports authentication using an identity. To authenticate using an identity (User, Group, Application Registration, or Managed Identity) you will need to set the AccountEndpoint and TokenCredential options that are available on the RepositoryOptions class.

In a basic scenario, there are three steps that need to be completed:

  1. If the identity that you would like to use, does not exist in Azure Active Directory, create it now.

  2. Use the Azure CLI to assign the appropriate role to your identity at the desired scope. - In most cases, using the built-in roles will be sufficient. However, there is support for creating custom role definitions using the Azure CLI, you can read more on this here.

  3. Configure your application using the AddCosmosRepository method in your Startup.cs file:

    using Azure.Identity;
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        DefaultAzureCredential credential = new();
            options =>
                options.TokenCredential = credential;
                options.AccountEndpoint = "< account endpoint URI >";
                options.ContainerId = "data-store";
                options.DatabaseId = "samples";

The example above is using the DefaultAzureCredential object provided by the Azure Identity NuGet package, which provides seamless integration with Azure Active Directory. More information on this package is available here.