Querying Data in the Cosmos Repository

The Cosmos Repository supports a rich set of methods for all sorts of query’s that you might need to run. This includes basic filters, paging using skip & take, paging uses Cosmos DB continuation tokens, as well as, a specification pattern implementation pattern to do even more with queries.

Basics Querying

The simplest way to get started with a query is to use the _repository.GetAsync<TITem> method this allows you to pass an expression used to filter your query.

public static class PeopleRepositoryExtensions
    public static async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleOlderThan(
        this IRepository<Person> repository, DateTime date)
        return await repository.GetAsync(p => p.BirthDate > date);

    public static async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleWithoutMiddleNames(this IRepository<Person> repository)
        IEnumerable<Person> peopleWithoutMiddleNames = 
            await repository.GetAsync(p => p.MiddleName == null);

        return peopleWithoutMiddleNames;

The above example makes use of extensions methods. This can be a nice way to define queries using this library.

Basic Paging

There are 3 ways to page data in the library. Below shows the simplest one. It makes use of skip & take, or limit and offset.

public class PagingExamples
    public async Task BasicPageAsync(IRepository<Person> repository)
        double totalCharge = 0;

        IPageQueryResult<Person> page = await repository.PageAsync(pageNumber: 1, pageSize: 25);

        while (page.HasNextPage)
            foreach (Person person in page.Items)

            totalCharge += page.Charge;
            page = await repository.PageAsync(pageNumber: page.PageNumber.Value + 1, pageSize: 25);

            Console.WriteLine($"Get page {page.PageNumber} 25 results cost {page.Charge}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Total Charge {totalCharge} RU's");

This method if used on large data sets has an exponential RU charge. The further you read into the pages the more RUs this costs. Continuation token paging is preferred.

Continuation Token Paging

The second way to page data using the library is making use of Cosmos DBs continuation tokens. This offers a more cost effective way to page data in Cosmos DB. Just provide the continuation token back the .PageAsync method to pick up where you left off.

public class PagingExamples
    public async Task BasicScrollingAsync(IRepository<Person> repository)
        double totalCharge = 0;
        IPage<Person> page = await repository.PageAsync(pageSize: 25, continuationToken: null);
        foreach (Person person in page.Items)
        totalCharge += page.Charge;
        Console.WriteLine($"First 25 results cost {page.Charge}");
        page = await repository.PageAsync(pageSize: 25, continuationToken: page.Continuation);
        foreach (Person person in page.Items)
        totalCharge += page.Charge;
        Console.WriteLine($"Second 25 results cost {page.Charge}");
        page = await repository.PageAsync(pageSize: 50, continuationToken: page.Continuation);
        foreach (Person person in page.Items)
        totalCharge += page.Charge;
        Console.WriteLine($"Last 50 results cost {page.Charge}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Total Charge {totalCharge} RU's");

Advanced Continuation Token Paging

If you want to stream large amounts of data you can make use of the IAsyncEnumerable<T> type in C# to stream the pages to a consumer as they arrive.

public class ParcelRepository
    private readonly IRepository<Parcel> _parcelCosmosRepository;    

    public ParcelRepository(IRepository<Parcel> parcelCosmosRepository) =>
        _parcelCosmosRepository = parcelCosmosRepository;        

    public async IAsyncEnumerable<IParcel> StreamParcelsWithDeliveryRegionId(
        string deliveryRegionId,
        int max,
        int chunkSize = 25,
        [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        int collected = 0;
        bool hasMoreResults = true;
        string? token = null;

        Expression<Func<Parcel, bool>> expression = parcel =>
            parcel.PartitionKey == deliveryRegionId &&
            parcel.Status == ParcelStatus.Inducted;

        while (hasMoreResults && collected < max)
            var page = await _parcelCosmosRepository
                    .PageAsync(expression, chunkSize, token, cancellationToken);

            token = page.Continuation;
            hasMoreResults = page.Continuation is not null;

            foreach (var item in page.Items)
                if (collected < max)
                    yield return item;   